CROHMIQ College courses have been developed to provide an essential understanding of electrostatic hazards, static protective FIBC and CROHMIQ static protective FIBC technology. The courses are intended for Qualified CROHMIQ Manufacturers and Distributors and end users of CROHMIQ FIBC. Courses are delivered free of charge in the form of on-line presentations, which enables multiple trainees, even from different locations, to login and join the presentations. All that is required is a computer with speakers, or a telephone can be used for audio via a local free number.
Each presentation lasts 30 to 40 minutes, and two or more presentations can be combined to make a longer course if time is available.
Outline of Subjects & Course Content
1. Introduction to electrostatics
- Tribocharging
- Electrostatic discharges
- Charge dissipation
2. Static protective FIBC
- Type A
- Type B
- Type C
- Type D
- Non-standard types
3. Electrostatic Electrostatic attraction of dust
- Electrostatic attraction of dust
- Electrostatic Shocks
- Explosions
- Flammable solvents
- Combustible dusts
- Accident statistics
4. Specific Technical Issues
- FIBC design
- Inner liners
- Baffles, document pouches, webbing, etc.
- Food contact applications
5. Standards and Codes of Practice
- IEC 61340-4-4
- IEC 60079-32
- Other standards
6. CROHMIQ versus Type B
7. CROHMIQ versus Type C
8. CROHMIQ versus pseudo-Type D